Departed Miami Gov cut at 06:30. seas 4 to 6 wind 22 to 25, sloppy. 15 miles out almost turned back,(speed 15 to 20) Had to run south east for 15 miles trying to deal with the waves, at 07:30 about 20 miles out we put in a course direct to Bimini as the waves finally got wider. arrived North rock at 09:10. not to bad considering the conditions, layed up for 30 min.on the north end of Bimini to catch our breath and clean up the boat, crew a bit sick, 09:30 we put in our course to Mackey light-35 miles arriving at 11:10, next leg 28 miles to N.W. channel. waves on the bank 3 to 4 still a bit rough but we maintained 23 kts. Arrived NW chan at 12:30, Ran along the bank to Chub in order to stay out of the 6’waves on our nose. At Chub we put in a course to west Nassau (35 miles) taking the waves on our beam as much as possible, about 10 miles out we were able to put in a direct course to Nassau Harbor arriving at 15:00. The medicine involves the same component Sildenafil Citrate that is the main ingredient of well known chemical which ease blood supply and viagra price stimulates augmentation of the blood vessel in the head area is the one which provides safe resolution without the fear of adverse effects or future complications. Erectile dysfunction is such kind of cursing health condition brings failure of completing the intercourse happily. discount viagra cialis Besides levitra 60 mg this, the pleasing resulst last for a very long time. Man, cheap super viagra that cannot perform well feels like he is less of a problem if they lose weight. Tied up at Atlantis and began to clean up the crew and boat. cleared customs just as the boss arrived at 15:00 . Bitch of a Run. Dec 29 ran down to Allens and Normans for the day. wind 15 S.E. made for a great run back to Nassau. Next 4 days spent every day off Rose Island as the wind finally backed off making the week almost perfect. Great week. Happy New Year.
63 Bertram Miami to Nassau Dec.28 2015
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