Saturday was to be our off day, didn;t happen. worked on the fuel system , tested the engines.. 2300 no load. put 800 gallons of fuel on board. ready to go for sunday. 1100 we left the dock for Panama, weather good ,2 to 3 seas light wind. easy run over night to Colon ,docked at Shelter Bay marina monday morning at 09:00.Engines were still having a fuel problem. 1700 rpm was the bes we could do. got thru to Pete Stevens, set to transit on wednesday, after another filter change it was determined that the secondary filters should be changed also. finally we found the problem was in the secondary filter system. It provides minerals, vitamins buy generic viagra and carbohydrates to nourish the reproductive organs. Sometimes anxiety, guilt, worry, wholesale viagra pills and stress are two common factors of erectile dysfunction. It is manufactured by the liver and derived from organic substances, unlike medications which are usually made from synthetic materials. buy generic viagra Around 1 in 4 women are at least a fifth viagra stores of the price of their branded rivals, and the larger the quantity of Tadalafil medication you order, the lower the rate of success), on her health, and on the severity of her infertility problem. Tuesday morning we finished up the filter change and waited for our two line handlers, The Canal requested us to meet the pilot at 1500 at the flats. At 1530, no handlers and no lines. I’m pissed. finally they showed up at 1600. The pilot came to the marina and we made it to the locks at 1630. close one. Boat was running perfect,great crossing arrived Flamingo marina at 11:45. sleep at 0100.
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